Florida DCA CARES applications open tomorrow – Friday, 5/22

Florida DCA CARES applications open tomorrow – Friday, 5/22

The Florida Division of Cultural Affairs will open its NEA CARES application tomorrow, Friday, May 22, 2020. Deadline to respond is June 8th.  Click here for information.

Below you will find a message from the Florida Cultural Alliance with details and additional information for arts groups.


The Florida Division of Cultural Affairs will be opening their NEA CARES application tomorrow (Friday) morning! The deadline to respond will be June 8th. Keep an eye on your in-box.

Don’t Forget: Florida DCA Grant Deadline is June 1!

The Florida Division of Cultural Affairs will collect financial loss data via a statewide survey. You should be able to easily enter your numbers into their system regardless of how you’ve been documenting. Please look for this request from DCA and respond by June 15.

Click here for the Florida Humanities CARES grant rolling deadline.


The most reliable way to contact us continues to be through email. You can find a staff directory at  https://www.miamidadearts.org/about/staff-councils.

Please check the County’s web site for more COVID-19 information and for regular updates:  miamidade.gov/coronavirus.

To view a comprehensive list of all the Department’s previous cultural updates on COVID-19 click here.

Originally published at https://miamidadearts.org/news/florida-dca-cares-applications-open-tomorrow-friday-522

The post Florida DCA CARES applications open tomorrow – Friday, 5/22 first appeared on Floridas News.