Florida Senate Democrats Call for Secretary of State Confirmation Hearing During Special Session

Florida Senate Democrats Call for Secretary of State Confirmation Hearing During Special Session

Tallahassee —

May 16, 2022

The Honorable Wilton Simpson, President of the Florida Senate

President Simpson:

As you are aware, ensuring the safety and sanctity of our electoral process remains one of the most important roles in maintaining a vibrant democracy and upholding the Constitution which we have all sworn to uphold. Further, it is our duty to make certain that every registered voter has a fair and equal opportunity to cast a ballot in every election.

As such, and by way of this correspondence, we are formally requesting that the confirmation hearings of the new Secretary of State be held during the upcoming Special Session beginning on May 23, 2022. With statewide primary elections and vote-by-mail balloting coming up in a matter of weeks, it is imperative that the newly appointed Secretary go through the proper process to be confirmed by the full Senate body.

We believe, and hope you agree, that it would be highly inappropriate for the new Secretary to preside over an election without the opportunity to be questioned under oath and fully vetted before the public.

Fortunately, we will have the full body assembled and will have more than enough time within the week of Special Session to go through the confirmation process and do the right thing for the people we each serve.

We look forward to your affirmative response.


Senator Lauren Book

Sen. Bobby Powell, Pro-Tempe                                  

Sen. Loranne Ausley

Sen. Lori Berman                                                       

Sen. Randolph Bracy

Sen. Janet Cruz

Sen. Audrey Gibson

Sen. Shevrin Jones                                                      

Sen. Jason Pizzo

Sen. Tina Polsky                                                        

Sen. Darryl Rouson

Sen. Linda Stewart                                                     

Sen. Annette Taddeo

Sen. Victor Torres


cc: Senator Dennis Baxley, Chair of Ethics and Elections Committee 

Senator Annette Taddeo, Vice-Chair

Senator Lori Berman, Committee Member Senator

Randolph Bracy, Committee Member Senator

Jennifer Bradley, Committee Member 

Senator Doug Broxson, Committee Member 

Senator George Gainer, Committee Member 

Senator Ileana Garcia, Committee Member 

Senator Tina Polsky, Committee Member 

Dawn Roberts, Staff Director


Originally published at https://www.flsenate.gov/Media/PressReleases/Show/4316

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