Crystal Lagoons Consolidates Its Presence in Costa Rica With Six New Projects USA – English Brazil – Português Latin America – español

MIAMI, May 11, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Costa Rica is known as “the Switzerland of Central America“ thanks to its political and economic stability and commitment to the environment. Also, for its more than 600 beaches and 750 miles of coastline. In this paradise destination, Crystal Lagoons, multinational innovation company founded by Fernando Fischmann, finalized a new mega-agreement for six real estate projects that, along with another three previous Public Access Lagoons complexes, consolidates the presence of the multinational in this country.
The first of these projects involves five condominiums with a total of 1,045 residential units. Its central piece will be a 1.4-hectare crystalline lagoon, surrounded by white sand beaches, suitable for bathing and water sports. Other developments, some of which could include public access areas, are planned in different provinces of the country.
“The interest in developing projects with lagoons powered by Crystal Lagoons® technology in tourist destinations around the Caribbean, such as Costa Rica, demonstrates the added value of this amenity. Regardless of whether they are located in coastal or Mediterranean cities, these turquoise bodies of water provide the experience of a tropical paradise anywhere in the world,” explains Miguel Ángel Cabañas Regional Director of Crystal Lagoons for Latin America and the Caribbean.
With these new complexes, Crystal Lagoons has a total of 22 projects in different stages of planning and development in Costa Rica. One of these developments is a PAL complex, which will have a 2.5-hectare lagoon that it will be included in the 900-hectare NYA real estate mega-project, which also has another 3.5-hectare crystalline lagoon in a private residential area.
This development is focused on affluent US and Costa Rican retirees located in Guanacaste, 25 miles from the Pacific coast, and it’s the first of 11 PAL projects considered in the exclusivity agreement with the conglomerate Blue Water Ventures for complexes in Costa Rica and Guatemala.
“PAL developments allow access to the crystalline lagoon and white sand beaches to anyone who buys a ticket, giving them the experience of a tropical paradise in the middle of the city. Furthermore, there are spaces around the lagoon for fairs, food-halls, weddings, hotels, shops, restaurants, concerts, terraces, domes, and amphitheaters,” concludes Cabañas.
About Crystal Lagoons
Crystal Lagoons is a US-based multinational that has developed technology allowing crystalline lagoons of unlimited sizes to be built and maintained at very low costs anywhere.
With over 2,500 patents in 160 countries, its sustainable amenities use up to 100 times fewer chemicals and only 2% of the energy required by conventional swimming pools. Bureau Veritas verified the technology’s efficient water use, concluding that a 1-Ha/2.5-ac lagoon utilizes 33 times less water than a golf course and 40% less water than a park of the same size. Crystal Lagoons® amenities can use sea, fresh, and brackish water, which is abundant and has no other use.
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SOURCE Crystal Lagoons
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