Coleman Park Playground Renovation Community Engagement

Coleman Park Playground Renovation Community Engagement

Coleman Park Playground Renovation Community Engagement
Join us. Complete the survey 

WHO:              City of West Palm Beach Parks and Recreation Department
                        Members of the public 

WHAT:             Coleman Park Playground Renovation Community Engagement 

The City of West Palm Beach Parks and Recreation Department is working diligently to design, upgrade, and replace the existing playground at Coleman Park. The public is encouraged to provide feedback on the project design and features, and to share their overall preferences. Residents can participate during upcoming community meetings or through an online survey.

The Coleman Park renovation project will be funded through the voter-approved 2020 Parks Bond.

For more information, contact:

WHEN:            Friday, October 14. 4 – 6 p.m.
                        Saturday, October 15. 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.

The survey will be available until Monday, October 24.

WHERE:           Coleman Park, 1116 21st Street.

                        Click here to access the survey.

CONTACT:       City of West Palm Beach Parks and Recreation Department
                       (561) 804-4900 (TTY: 800-955-8771)

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