City of West Palm Beach to Announce Railway Safety Campaign – See Tracks, Think Train

WHO: Mayor Keith A. James, City of West Palm Beach
City Commissioners
Assistant City Administrator, Armando Fana
West Palm Beach Police Department
West Palm Beach Fire Department
West Palm Beach Chief of Police, Frank Adderley
West Palm Beach Director of Engineering Services, Kevin Volbrecht
West Palm Beach Director of Public Works, Josh McDermott
AICP – Palm Beach TPA Executive Director, Valerie Neilson
FDOT Freight and Rail Planner, Brian Owens
FEC Senior Vice President, Robert Ledoux
Federal Railway Administration, Rory Newton
Brightline, Ali Soule
SFRTA Executive Director, Dave Dech
Palm Beach County Engineer, David Ricks
Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council- Thomas Lanahan
WHAT: Press conference to announce railway safety campaign.
Mayor Keith A. James and City representatives will announce a new railway safety campaign to encourage and empower the public to make good choices at highway-rail grade crossings and along the tracks. Additionally, Mayor James will unveil painted warnings at crossings to encourage pedestrians to cross tracks only when it is safe.
In the U.S., a person or vehicle is hit by a train every three hours. While the rail systems in the City are safe, deadly crashes or incidents do occur.
The City has made improvements to rail crossings to increase safety, and the railway safety campaign is yet another way the City is working to help keep the public safe.
WHERE: City Hall, 401 Clematis Street
Flagler Gallery
WHEN: Wednesday, December 7, 2022 | 10:00 a.m.
CONTACT: Amanda Paez-Vicente, Office of Communications, (561) 815-9305, [email protected]
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