City of Miami Historic and Environmental Preservation Board Approves Playhouse Master Plan Concept

City of Miami Historic and Environmental Preservation Board Approves Playhouse Master Plan Concept

Project Updates:

City of Miami Historic and Environmental Preservation Board Approves Playhouse Master Plan Concept

On April 4, 2017, the City of Miami Historic and Environmental Preservation Board (HEPB) reviewed the request for a Certificate of Appropriateness for the master plan submitted by Miami-Dade County and its partner Florida International University.  The design team, led by Arquitectonica, and historic preservation architect Jorge Hernandez presented the project’s history, conclusions derived from the extensive research conducted on the building, and updated plans based on the refinements that had taken place since the application had been submitted. After hearing extensive testimony from the public, the HEPB approved the master plan concept. This approval provides the framework for the design team to continue to develop the plans that will allow the restoration of the front building to the 1927 design by Kiehnel and Elliott and the development of a 300-seat, state-of-the art theater with supporting amenities. Once the drawings are further developed, the team will return to the HEPB to request a Certificate of Appropriateness for the building components.

We are grateful for the time and thoughtfulness of the City’s staff and HEPB members in reviewing the project, taking site tours of the Playhouse property, providing oversight for the essential historic preservation goals set for this project and taking into consideration that project viability and sustainability are key components of preservation.

Updated materials submitted at the HEPB’s April 4, 2017 meeting can be accessed here.

Please note that all earlier updates remain available on this web site and contain more details about the project and its progress.

To view a comprehensive list of all the previous updates visit:

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The post City of Miami Historic and Environmental Preservation Board Approves Playhouse Master Plan Concept first appeared on Floridas News.