City Commission, CRA Approvals and Decisions for July 10, 2023

West Palm Beach City Commission Meeting and Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) Approvals and Decisions
WEST PALM BEACH, FL (DATE) – Below is a summary of the approvals and decisions made at the Mayor and City Commission meeting on Monday, July 10, 2023.
MAYOR’S OFFICE – Presented a tribute to Grasford Smith in recognition for his years of service to the residents of Palm Beach County and upon his installation as president of the Palm Beach County Bar Association.
Palm Beach County Bar Association President Grasford Smith accepts a tribute from
Mayor Keith A. James and the West Palm Beach City Commission.
Presented a proclamation setting July 2023 as Parks and Recreation Month.
Mayor Keith A. James proclaimed July 2023 as Parks & Recreation Month in the City of West Palm Beach.
In on the presentation are, from left, Mary Pinak, Community Events Manager, Todd Snyder, Assistant Director of Parks & Recreation,
Sherry Wilson, Assistant Director of Parks & Recreation, Mayor James and Leah Rockwell, Director of Parks and Recreation.
Approved a resolution allocating $100,000 toward the Echo Lake Park public art project located at 4129 Haden Avenue; approved a resolution approving the Face of the City, Cha Chi’s Village Historical Memorial art project to be installed at Sunset Park, 3601 North Australian Avenue, funded by the Florida Black Historical Research Project, In., and a matching City grant of $6,200 from the ArtLife Public Art account; and approved a resolution approving a public art concept, Sound Ripples by Alexander Arrechea, for Soleste Palm Station, 520 North Rosemary Avenue, funded by The Estate Companies under the City’s public art requirement.
CITY ATTORNEY – Approved a resolution authorizing the assessment of City liens for $45,739.46 for unpaid water service, sewer service and stormwater charges for the month of April 2023.
DEVELOPMENT SERVICES – Approved a resolution recognizing additional building permitting revenue of $1.75 million to fund numerous improvements within the Development Services Building Division including covering overtime, professional services, enhancing the new Enterprise, Permitting and Licensing (EPL) software, among other needs; approved an ordinance on third reading amending several sections of the City Code to prohibit Medical Marijuana Dispensaries within the City of West Palm Beach; and approved a resolution, after public hearing, for the replat of property to create the plat, “The Grand” at 609 Second Street, for The Grand multi-family residential project, and granting a private underground utility easement under a portion of Second Street.
FIRE DEPARTMENT – Approved a resolution to renew a 5-year lease at 1306 Allendale Road to continue to serve as the fire logistics center; approved a resolution for an interlocal agreement with Palm Beach County accepting a grant for $38,687.11 for reimbursement of fire emergency medial equipment; approved a resolution accepting a $438,764 Assistance to Firefighters Grant from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to be used for fitness and wellness programs for firefighters; and approved a resolution amending the General Fund and Fire Assessment Fee budgets to provide a peer support mental health workshop, strategic planning and other operating expenses.
HOUSING and COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT – Approved a resolution, after public hearing, accepting federal entitlement grants for $5,095,720, approving the submission of the One-Year Action Plan for Fiscal Year 2023-2024, approving amendments to the City’s Annual One-Year Action Plans for fiscal years 2020-2023 for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program for fiscal years 2017-2021 for the HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) and for fiscal years 2019-2023 for the Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) program, and authorizing submittal of the Action Plan and amendments to HUD for review and approval.
PARKS and RECREATION – Approved a resolution accepting $5,250 from Prime Time Palm Beach County, funded by the Children’s Services Council, for after-school programs at Vedado Park, Gaines Park and South Olive Park; and approved a resolution authorizing an agreement for the use of Howard Park parking lot by the C & L Bus Company as a bus stop for the American Heritage School during the 2023-2024 school year.
PUBLIC UTILITIES – Approved a resolution approving an agreement with Forth, whereby the City agrees to commit staff time and resources to promote the installation of workplace vehicle charging infrastructure.
For the complete list of approvals and decisions made at the Monday, July 10, 2023 City Commission meeting, click here for the pass/fail agenda.
Below is a summary of the approvals and decisions made by the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) meeting on Monday, July 10, 2023.
Approved a resolution awarding a Northwest Parking Lot Beautification Grant for $100,000 to the Friendship Missionary Baptist Church for parking lot improvements at 400 Division Avenue.
For the complete list of approvals and decisions made at the Monday, July 10, 2023 Community Redevelopment Agency meeting, click here for the pass/fail agenda.
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The post City Commission, CRA Approvals and Decisions for July 10, 2023 first appeared on Floridas News.