August Survey Results and New Normal Guidelines Updates

Dear Colleagues,
As we move into the fall and the 8th month of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) public health crisis, the latest results of the monthly COVID-19 Survey of Impact on Miami-Dade County’s Cultural Community substantiate what we continue to hear anecdotally from our cultural institutions and artists.
August Survey Results
Based on data collected through the COVID-19 Survey of Impact on Miami-Dade County’s Cultural Community, the Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs estimates the total financial impact of the business interruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic on the arts in Miami-Dade County at $112 million with a total of 18,154 arts and cultural jobs affected, according to aggregate data for March through August 2020.
Later this month, we plan to have the first payments issued from the $10 million allocated for cultural relief through the Miami-Dade Arts Support (MAS) grants program. Almost 300 applications were received from arts and cultural organizations and 857 artists requested support. We are more than halfway through reviewing applications and plan to be finished very soon.
Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos A. Gimenez and the Board of County Commissioners continue to understand how critically important these federal funds are for the survival of our cultural life. As we make our way though perhaps one of the most unusual cultural seasons in ages, the team at the Department of Cultural Affairs and the Cultural Affairs Council are here to help you in every way possible. We are excited about the imagination that you are applying to new ways to present activities and events and look forward to the day when we all feel safe and comfortable again about fully engaging in the magic of live cultural experiences.
Finally, I urge you to vote. This election season is a pivotal one for the future of our community and our nation. You count and every vote counts. You can access your voter information through the Miami-Dade County Elections Department’s user-friendly website: The deadline to register for the upcoming election is Monday, October 5th.
Top Financial Concerns
According to the survey, among cultural institutions, arts organizations and artist collectives, paying staff and artists remains the primary concern.
• 86% of respondents indicated that “Administrative and Artistic Salaries/Fees” is their top Financial Priority
• 46% of respondents indicated that “Reduced/Eliminated Earned Revenue” (including ticket sales and admission fees) is their primary income concern with 25% concerned about the loss of private sector support through a decline in individual donations, corporate sponsorships and foundation grants
• 87% of respondents are worried about the escalating COVID-19 expenses (additional maintenance, sanitizing supplies, etc.) for this year and/or next year, representing a 15% increase over last month.
Survey results have been reviewed by the Department of Cultural Affairs to ensure accuracy. The Department will continue to share the Survey data with our local, state and national arts funder colleagues, our partners and the media.
September Survey
The September Survey will open in a couple of weeks. We encourage you to continue collecting data on the revenue losses, jobs affected and additional expenses attributable to COVID-19 in the easy-to-use, self-calculating Financial Impact Tracker. Access the COVID-19 Financial Impact Assessment Tools here.
Michael, we are profoundly confused. What are the current COVID-19 rules?
With the variety of governmental messages issued recently about pandemic regulations, we are not surprised that there may be some confusion. Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos A. Gimenez has just issued a set of rules that reiterate and revise the County’s New Normal guidelines. The highlights are outlined below and we are here to help.
Face Coverings and Physical Distancing
Face coverings are still required to be worn in all public settings – inside and outside – and physical distancing of at least 6 feet must be maintained.
Arts and Culture Protocols
Miami-Dade County’s New Normal guidelines remains as the source for protocols that must be followed by the cultural community (– Arts & Culture section beginning on page 18).
The county-wide curfew, from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m., remains in place.
Group Activities
All group activities must be able to achieve physical distancing and comply with the requirement of face coverings. Generally, spaces that host these activities cannot exceed 50% of their occupancy limits. Theaters, playhouses and auditoria must submit plans to the County for review and approval. We have been referring inquiries about events and activities involving related areas, such as food or retail, to the relevant sections in the New Normal guidelines for general guidance. Please see the below chart with examples.
If you have any questions, please let us know. The staff and I are here to help in any way we can.
Stay safe and healthy!
Michael Spring
Senior Advisor to Miami-Dade County Office of the Mayor and
Director, Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs
The most reliable way to contact us continues to be through email. You can find a staff directory at
To view a comprehensive list of all the previous Department updates on COVID-19 click here.
Originally published at
The post August Survey Results and New Normal Guidelines Updates first appeared on Floridas News.