Senator Stewart Files Legislation Guaranteeing Adoptees the Right to their Original Birth Certificate

Tallahassee, FL – Senator Linda Stewart (D – Orlando) has filed SB 854 Release of Adoption Information. This bill would allow adoptees to receive a copy of their original birth certificate upon turning 18 years old. Historically, Floridians have had unrestricted access to their original birth certificates, or they were able to access them upon request. However, current law states that adult adoptees must request permission from a court and/or birth parents for access to their own original birth certificates.
From statehood until 1987, Florida law allowed adult adoptees to obtain records pertaining to their adoption without a court order. The overreaching amended law was passed in reaction to a court ruling, and has been erroneously applied retrospectively.
“This bill seeks to restore access to the original birth certificate for adult adoptees without a court order,” explained Stewart. “These records often provide closure to people and families, and we’re saving Floridians time, money, and anguish from having to use internet searches and third-party companies to find this information.”
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