Senator Stewart Files Bil To Require Notice Of Flood Zones To Renters

Tallahassee, FL – In a continuation of championing renters’ rights in Florida, Senator Linda Stewart (D – Orlando) has filed a bill that requires current and future renters be notified if their unit is in a flood zone.
Senate Bill 716 would require landlords, or others authorized to enter a rental agreement on their behalf, to provide specific information to current and prospective tenants regarding the property’s inclusion in a flood zone.
“With the unexpected flooding in many communities brought upon us by hurricanes Ian and Nicole, it’s important that we provide transparency to tenants. This communication serves to benefit both landlords and tenants. Having the knowledge of this risk may encourage the purchase of flood insurance and will better inform tenants on how to prepare for storms,” said Stewart.
Communicating to tenants is as easy as sending an email. Notice would include the risk designation for the flood zone as determined by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. If the flood zone designation changes, an update to current tenants of the change would be required.
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