Makkah Sellable Apartment Market Ascends Towards $53 Billion by 2027: Fueled by Religious Tourism & Urban Development: Ken Research

Real Estate

GURUGRAM, India, Feb. 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Makkah is witnessing a surge in its sellable apartment market, driven by the ever-growing influx of religious pilgrims and ambitious urban development initiatives. Ken Research’s ‘Makkah Sellable Apartment Market Outlook’ report predicts a remarkable 7.2% CAGR, propelling the market size to a staggering

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Leader Book and Representative Harris File Bill to Eliminate “Panic Defense” Attacks on LGBTQIA+ Individuals

Florida News

Tallahassee, FL — Senate Democratic Leader Lauren Book (D-Davie) and Representative Harris (D-Orlando) this week filed legislation to eliminate the so-called “gay/trans panic defense” from being used in Florida to legally defend assaults and lethal attacks on LGBTQIA+ individuals. SB 328/ HB 393 would disallow the legal strategy of asking a jury to

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