CofE Leicester diocese signs first ever union agreement with Unite

The Leicester diocese of the Church of England has signed an historic agreement with Unite to represent its clergy and lay staff.
The agreement, negotiated by the Church of England Clergy & Employee Advocates (CEECA) covers clergy and lay staff. The CEECA is a distinct part of Unite’s wider faith workers’ branch.
It is the first agreement of its kind ever to be signed by a Church of England diocese and ensures collective bargaining rights for clergy stipends and staff pay, as well as terms and conditions for both.
Unite general secretary Sharon Graham said: “A huge well done to CEECA’s activists for negotiating this historic agreement. CEECA performs tireless work within the church at both a local and national level that is resulting in real benefits for both clergy and lay staff. Unite looks forward to seeing the agreement being replicated at dioceses around the country.”
The agreement follows a seven per cent stipend rise for Church of England clergy announced in February, after CEECA members submitted a pay claim for the first time in the church’s history.
Leicester dioceses workplace rep, Peter Hobson said: “We’re delighted that Leicester diocese is leading the way in recognising the value of an independent voice speaking on behalf of its clergy and other staff. Even when you work for God, your terms and conditions are still drawn up by human beings, and we all know that a healthy church can only be helped by healthy employment practices for its staff.”
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