Represent the Arts – Thrive 305
Dear Cultural Colleagues,
Today, Miami-Dade County Mayor Daniella Levine Cava launched Thrive 305, an initiative to ask the community for input that will help set the County’s action plan and priorities. We need you, your supporters, and members to complete this initiative’s countywide survey so that the arts community’s input is represented:
The Thrive 305 survey covers a wide array of important community issues. Importantly, it includes specific references to the arts in the following sections:
- Introduction – there is a question asking, “Which of the following community services is MOST important to you? (Please select ONE)” “Arts and Culture” is a selection option.
- Small Business Ownership – it explicitly includes non-profit organizations with 10 employees or less. Under the question “What could your County government do to help SMALL BUSINESSES succeed economically? (Please select all that apply),” you have the opportunity in “Other” section to write in the importance of the County sustaining and increasing grants funding for the arts.
- Your Experience with County Government – it asks, “Have you interacted directly with County government (in person, over the phone, via web) in the past six months? If you have interacted with County government during this period, please select all the reasons why you have done so below:” and one answer is “Visited a County facility (e.g., library, park, cultural center).”
There are other opportunities in the survey to respond regarding the importance of the arts in making people’s lives better. Please fill out the short survey and urge other arts supporters to do so, too by the deadline of February 26, 2021.
Click here to respond to the survey.
Thank you,
Michael Spring
Director, Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs
The most reliable way to contact us continues to be through email. You can find a staff directory at
Please check the County’s web site for more COVID-19 information and for regular updates:
To view a comprehensive list of all the Department’s previous cultural updates on COVID-19 click here.
Originally published at
The post Represent the Arts – Thrive 305 first appeared on Floridas News.